One of the best ways to be a good neighbor is to practice proper fence etiquette. When you follow local zoning regulations, make respectful choices, and maintain communication with your neighbors, you’ll be able to install a new fence and stay on amicable terms with them. As you plan your next fence project, keep the following tips in mind.
Before you put up a new fence, talk to your neighbors. Make sure that you know where the property lines are and let them know that you’ll be doing a little construction. Some people find it beneficial to put their fences one or two feet inside of the property lines to avoid disputes.
Zoning Regulations and HOA Rules
Check local regulations for setbacks, height, and additions restrictions. Keep in mind that there are usually other rules for corner lots. Look into your Home Owner Association (HOA) rules as well. If you work with a fencing company, they will be familiar with zoning rules, but you will still be responsible for the HOA rules.
It is best practice to put the better side of a fence facing towards the neighbors. Put yourself in your their shoes and think how you would feel if you had to look at the ugly side of their brand new fence every day. You don’t want to be the kind of person who does this to the other neighborhood residents.
Every fence requires some level of maintenance. Some materials, such as wood, require more frequent cleaning and re-sealing and other materials, such as vinyl. Even when neighbors aren’t thrilled about your fence, they are less likely to complain if it’s attractive.