A chain link fence can keep your home or business protected, but unfortunately, they really aren’t the best looking barriers in the world. However, there are some ways you can spruce up a chain link fence and make it look considerably more attractive depending on your surroundings and your desired goals. Best of all, making your fence look more attractive doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. Use the tips below to improve the look of any chain fence and make your property look better.
Try Wooden Slats
Wooden slats come in a variety of different looks for all sorts of properties, and they can be affixed to a chain fence with relative ease. You’ll still have the security of a chain fence, but you won’t have the industrial look. You can choose to put wooden slats on just one side of your chain fence or do both sides for a better overall look. However, if you only see one side of your fence, putting wood slats only on the side you look at could be more cost-effective in the long run while still deterring burglars.
Consider Painting It
Spray paint or specialty paints can make a huge improvement in how a chain fence looks as long as you choose the right colors. If your property backs up to greenery or natural features, using colors to help the fence blend in makes a lot of sense.
If your property doesn’t back up to nature, you have more options with what color to paint your chain fence. For contemporary styled properties, unique colors like black or even bright colors like yellow or aqua can work very well. For traditional spaces, colors that seem more natural like white or earth tones will usually fit the best.